Residents of Oshawa and citizens across our country are counting on your support.
Please join your neighbours in pressing the NDP-Trudeau Coalition for immediate reform of Canada's broken bail system.
We must prioritize the rights of victims of crime, law enforcement and law-abiding citizens over the interests of repeat violent offenders. Let's keep these offenders behind bars – where they belong.
Please do your part and sign on below. It takes just a few seconds.
I'm most grateful for your time and support.
The Petition
Whereas the NDP-Trudeau Coalition’s (the 'Coalition') soft-on-crime policies have unleashed a wave of violent crime across our country (violent crime is up 32% with 124,000 more reported incidents than when Conservatives were last in office; gang-related murders up 92% over the past 8 years);
And whereas many Oshawa residents feel uneasy walking their streets or taking public transit;
And whereas the Coalition passed into law Bill C-5 (November 2022) which repealed mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes and, simultaneously, expanded the use of house arrest for violent criminals – allowing many to serve their sentences in the very communities they terrorized;
And whereas all 13 provincial and territorial Premiers – along with the major police associations in Canada’s largest cities and regions – have called upon federal legislators to reform Canada’s bail system;
We, the undersigned, call upon the NDP-Trudeau Coalition to immediately reform Canada's bail system; end the cycle of catch-and-release justice; and, take action to keep repeat violent offenders behind bars.
N.B.: You may sign this petition once per valid e-mail address. If another member of your household wishes to sign on, please logout or reload this page and sign on with another e-mail address.
We require your name and address to confirm your residency and validate your support for this petition.