Oshawa's Strong Voice in Parliament


August 20, 2024

To commemorate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on May 6, 2023, the design of Canada's Coronation Medal and details of the distribution program were, after a regrettable delay, announced by Rideau Hall on May 6, 2024 during an event marking the first anniversary of the King's Coronation at Westminster Abbey.

Colin has the honour of awarding the King Charles III Coronation Medal to twenty (20) Oshawa residents of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life who embody the qualities of selflessness, service to others, and a commitment to building a more caring and supportive community.

If you have a friend, relative, co-worker, fellow volunteer or neighbour who merits special recognition for their exceptional voluntary contributions, you are encouraged to nominate that individual now.

Nominations have now closed — but owing to demand, were held open for one additional day until 5:00pm, Saturday, October 5, 2024.



The Nominator:

1.  Shall know the individual they wish to recommend and be directly aware of the Nominee's volunteer contribution(s);

2.  Shall know the Nominee well enough to be able to furnish the Member of Parliament with the individual's contact information and details of the Nominee's volunteer activity(s). Nominations with incomplete information for either the Nominator or Nominee may be rejected; and,

3.  Is NOT required to reside within the Oshawa riding.


The Nominee:

1.  Shall be a living Canadian citizen or permanent resident of any age whose principal residence is located within the federal electoral district (riding) of Oshawa. The Oshawa riding is comprised of the entire portion of the City of Oshawa lying south of Taunton Rd, including those residences located on the south side of Taunton Rd. For clarity, please see this map. Posthumous or self-nominations shall not be accepted;

2.  Shall have performed their volunteer activities principally within the Oshawa riding and/or the City of Oshawa primarily for benefit of our local community;

3.  Shall not have received a previous Queen's Jubilee medal for the same activity(s), such as the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal (1977); Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal (2002); Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012); or, Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (2022). The lists of recipients of the 2002 and 2012 Jubilee medals are available at https://www.gg.ca/en/honours/recipients.

4.  Shall not have been previously recognized for the same activity(s) with an order, decoration or medal in the Canadian Honours System including, for example, the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers, Meritorious Service Decoration or the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship, etc. In this way, the Member avoids the unfair practice of 'duplicate recognition' for the same activities. An official honour is any order, decoration or medal that forms part of Canada’s Order of Precedence;

5.  Shall have performed unpaid work and not received any compensation for the activities being considered in this nomination. Unpaid work means that the Nominee must not have received any financial remuneration or other recompense including education credits for those activities included in their nomination. All activities must be 100% unpaid. As such, the following should not be included in a nomination:

  -  Volunteer activities that are closely related to the Nominee's paid employment or undertaken with the primary purpose of promoting their paid employment;

  -  Caring for a foster child or foster animal, because foster parents are remunerated for their services;

  -  Officers working with the Canadian Armed Forces Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC), because they are typically paid 25 to 35 days a year. Should you wish to nominate a CIC officer to recognize voluntary efforts outside of their paid work with Canada's Cadet movement, the nomination must not reference paid duties with Cadets;

  -  Voluntary work for which an individual receives any form of stipend or a living allowance is not eligible (i.e.: Canadian University Students Overseas, Médecins Sans Frontières, Canadian Executive Service Overseas, etc.);

  -  Elementary and secondary school teachers generally participate in extra-curricular activities as part of their job. Thus, in cases where the individual's paid profession is teaching at any level, the Nominee's volunteer work must be with an organization(s) outside of the school or institution where they are normally employed;

  -  Political activities, paid work in the civil/public services or a trade/professional union, or public advocacy work should not be included; and,

  -  Individuals who currently hold elected office at the municipal, provincial or federal level are not eligible. However, a volunteer contribution that occurred during the period in which a Nominee did not hold elected office shall be considered; and,

Some other activities, though often performed voluntarily, should not be included in an individual's nomination:

  -  Service club membership without evidence of a specific contribution to the community. (i.e.: the Nominee must serve as a volunteer and perform work with the organization and not simply be a member of the organization);

  -  Philanthropy or financial contributions to a charitable organization(s) regardless of the amounts or time period;

  -  Donations of blood, regardless of the quantity or time period;

  -  Caring for a family member; or,

  -  In the case of individuals under 18 years of age, volunteer work within the community that was undertaken to fulfill a school requirement (i.e.: A secondary school student may have received credit for community service in order to fulfill their 40-hour requirement for graduation). Work for which the student has not received an education credit would, of course, be eligible; and,

6.  Shall not be a group, team, organization, corporation or similar entity. Only individuals may be nominated.



How does the nomination and review process work?

1.  The Nominator must submit an online nomination form via www.colincarriemp.ca/nominate. With potentially hundreds of submissions from across the riding, the online submission process helps the Member's office to efficiently manage, assess and track each nomination.

2.  The selection process is merit-based and non-partisan.

3.  Nominations must be received by Friday, October 4, 2024 at 5:00pm

4.  Only complete nominations submitted to the Member will be acknowledged.

5.  The Nominator must provide the names and contact information one (1) reference who may be contacted to verify the individual's activities. In a case where the Nominator and Nominee are members of the same family or household, this reference must be provided by an individual outside the family or household.

6.  The Member will review each nomination to ensure the Nominee meets the eligibility criteria. Where necessary, the Member's office shall research and/or contact the reference(s) or, if applicable, the volunteer’s organization(s) for verification.

7.  For each successful Nominee, the Member's office will prepare a brief citation that will be read aloud at the presentation of Medals.


Are nominations confidential?

Yes. Nominees will not be provided with the identity of their Nominator.

All personal information provided to the Member's office regarding the Nominator and Nominee in electronic, written or verbal form will be treated as private and confidential. This information will not be shared with any individual or organization save for those circumstances in which additional information about the Nominee or their work may be required.


Can I tell the Nominee about my submission?

Nominators are urged to refrain from notifying Nominees to avoid disappointment should the individual not be selected to receive a medal.


How will recipients be notified?

The Member’s office will notify all successful recipients by telephone, mail and/or electronic means in late October.


When will the Medals be presented?

The Member will present the Medals at a special event in Oshawa to honour the recipients and their families during late autumn 2024.

A summary of the recipients and their accomplishments will be shared with constituents through the Member's regular online and print communications. A news release identifying the recipients will be shared with local media outlets shortly before the recognition event occurs.


About Canadian Commemorative, Coronation and Jubilee Medals

Canadian honours come in three different categories: Orders, decorations, and medals.

Commemorative medals are created to mark special anniversaries or occasions and awarded to Canadians from a broad spectrum of society for service to their community and our country.

Contemporary examples of such medals include the Canadian Centennial Medal (1967); Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal (1977); 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal (1992); Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal (2002); Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012); and, the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (2022) issued by the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

To the dismay of many Veterans groups, charities and benevolent organizations – and for reasons that remain unclear to this day – the Trudeau government decided not to issue a Commemorative Medal for the 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation (2017) or a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (2022) at the national level. Learn more about those controversies here.