Oshawa's Strong Voice in Parliament


Dear Constituent,

A frightening secret memo that the Trudeau-NDP Coalition had long kept under wraps was finally released this past summer.

The memo to Liberal Addictions Minister Ya’ara Saks confirms that the Trudeau government is developing a plan for the 'national decriminalization' or legalization of hard drugs such as crack, meth and fentanyl.

The Coalition appears ready to repeat its disastrous legalization experiment in British Columbia (BC), where hard drug legalization has led to a 400% increase in overdose deaths, with some 2,500 souls dying in the first year alone.

In BC, overdoses are now the leading cause of death among kids aged 10 to 18.

The experiment has also led to rampant open drug use in public spaces such as parks and playgrounds, near schools and daycare centres – even in hospitals.

Worse, police know that organized crime is routinely buying up the so-called 'clean' supply of taxpayer-funded drugs from addicts and reselling their haul on the street. The proceeds help some addicts buy cheaper yet more lethal drugs like fentanyl – further fuelling the cycle of drug-related crimes.

Join your neighbours in standing against hard drug legalization.

Our Petition


The Trudeau-NDP Coalition has a plan to legalize crack, heroin, meth, and other hard drugs;

The Coalition has funded the provision of hard drugs that have led to more addiction; and,

Drug overdoses and drug-fuelled crime are rampant in Canada's cities including here in Oshawa;


We, the undersigned, call upon the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to:

1.  End the flow of taxpayer-funded hard drugs to addicts;

2.  Stop flooding our streets with prescription opioids and, instead, support a common sense plan to ban hard drugs; and,

3.  Invest in treatment and recovery programs that will save lives and bring home our loved ones drug-free.

N.B.: You may sign this petition once per valid e-mail address. If another member of your household wishes to sign on, simply reload this page and sign using another e-mail address. We require your name and address to confirm your residency and validate your support for this petition.


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