On April 1, 2024, the federal carbon tax increased by 23% and the average Oshawa household paid at least an additional $1,674 per year for a large variety of goods in 2024. Many households, especially those with growing families, paid much more.
This coming April 1st, the carbon tax will increase by another 19%, for a total cumulative 60% increase since its introduction in 2019.
Gas for our cars will go up by at least another 10 to 15 cents per litre while families and Seniors will be squeezed harder on home heat and groceries.
But wait. It gets worse...
All of this comes at the same time as the City of Oshawa will hike property taxes by 7.9% and Durham Region will jack up property taxes by 7.4%.
And like clockwork, the Region will hit us with yet another 5% increase in water and sewage rates, a reduction in per household water consumption over the past 30 years.
Don't Oshawa's working families, Seniors and small businesses deserve a break?
Join our call for sanity and tax fairness.
Please sign on below...
The Petition
Since 2019, the cumulative 60% carbon tax increase has driven up the price of all essentials including groceries, home heat, and gasoline during a national cost-of-living crisis;
The carbon tax costs the average Oshawa household far more than they can ever expect to recover in federal rebate payments; and,
While the NDP-Liberals' 2024 tax policy changes cut a break for Atlantic Canadians on home heating oil, Ontarians who already heat with lower-emitting fuels such as natural gas have earned no such break.
We, the undersigned, demand that the federal government eliminate the carbon tax on everything for everyone.
N.B.: You may sign this petition once per valid e-mail address. If another member of your household wishes to sign, reload this page and sign in with another e-mail address.
We require your name and address to confirm your residency and validate your support of this petition.