Canada is facing an unprecedented economic crisis.
The NDP-Liberal Coalition has shut down Canada's Parliament while the Liberals hold a self-serving leadership race to replace Prime Minister Trudeau.
Parliament was set to return on Monday, January 27th but now won't meet until at least March 24th, if at all.
That's long after U.S. President Trump’s new March 4, 2024 deadline to impose a range of illegal and unjustified tariffs that will kill millions of Canadian jobs and impact everything we export to the U.S. including: Oshawa-built vehicles, auto parts, steel, aluminum, agri-products, food, energy, lumber, clothing, furniture and much more.
Conservatives have been calling for Parliament’s immediate reopening and we recently set out our Canada First Plan to secure Canada's border, stop the flow of fentanyl to and from the U.S., and increase internal free trade within our country – so Canadians are less reliant on trade with the U.S. Our common sense plan could boost GDP by over $200 billion per year, or $5,100, per Canadian.
Demand the immediate reopening of your Parliament. Add your name below.
The Petition
Canada is in a crisis and the NDP-Liberal Coalition has shuttered Parliament;
The NDP and Liberals are busy playing politics rather than fighting for Canada; and,
Trump plans to impose massive, illegal and unjustified tariffs against our goods that kill millions of Canadian jobs.
We the call upon the NDP and Liberals to put aside partisan interests and recall Parliament now to debate and adopt the Conservatives' Canada First Plan.
N.B.: You may sign this petition once per valid e-mail address. If another member of your household wishes to sign on, simply reload this page and sign in with another e-mail address. We require your name and address to confirm your residency and validate your support for this petition.